Cache in SeaMonkey Browser

This time we will discuss topics concerning the browser cache, you can read the following article. Cache is the most important part in system. This memory helps in faster browsing and improves the overall performance of the browser. in this article we shall learn how to increase cache size in SeaMonkey.
Step 1:

Open your SeaMonkey Browser.

Step 2:

Now click on Edit tab in menu bar. On clicking this, a drop down menu appears on your screen.

In this drop down menu click on Preference… tab.

Step 3:

On clicking this tab, a new window will appear on your screen, as shown in below image.

In this window click on Advanced tab in category window and intern click on Cache tab.

Step 4:

In this cache window you can observe a field labeled as Size. Near this filed simply enter the value of your choice and later click on OK button to validate.

I hope this article has helped you to alter the cache size in SeaMonkey Browser.