Asus has launched its first laptop that Nvidia tech support with Optimus, which is designed to balance performance and battery life with otomats switch (change) between the graphics functions, which separately and together, as needed. Asus Laptop N61JV have the style multimedia entertainment system with screen size 16 inch HD, Altec Lansing speakers, and SRS Sound Preium. In it also features a 2.27GHz Intel Core i5-430M with 4GB of DDR3 memory, 500GB hard drive, and Blu-ray combo drive.
Nvidia graphics technology in laptop Asus N61JV Optimus combines hardware and software to automatically switch between the Nvidia graphics processor and graphics integrated on the motherboard chipset (onboard), according to the needs of applications that are running. Optimus uses the driver to detect when the user open the game or software that requires quite a lot of graphics power, and then replace the Nvidia graphics. Graphic displacement does not require CPU power, only to switch off power and increase battery life by using onboard graphics.
Nvidia GPU is called GeForce GT325M with 1GB memory, use the display buffer of the onboard graphics rather than with a switch between video output. According to Asus, Asus laptop N61JV price range is around 949 pounds or $ 1.457