Galapagos Sharp 003SH comes with 9.6 megapixel CCD camera, the processor 1-gigahertz Snapdragon CPUs, 400-megabytes of internal memory, Wi-Fi, GPS and the ability to record 720p high-definition video. Galapagos Sharp 003SH will be available in Japan in early December.
Galapagos Sharp 005SH has the same specifications, but comes with 512-megabytes of internal memory, 8-megapixel camera, flip-out keyboard and a compact four-way pad. The device will be sold in Japan in mid-February.
There are even some 3D games already announced, including Capcom's Resident Evil: Degeneration, Mega-Man and Ghost 'n Goblins: Gold Knights, the rhythm game Taiko no Tatsujin Namco's, and Game Arts Alternative SILPHEED that the plan will be playable on this phone. Sharp is not the first company to release a phone with 3D screens in Japan, an area known for cutting-edge mobile technology. Last year, Hitachi is producing "Wooo H001," a device that uses technology to create depth and distance of the image "float".