Logitech from Europe has launched a new speaker who also serves as a table / mat small notebook called Logitech Lapdesk 550 laptop aimed at the compact-sized 14-inch or smaller. As Speaker Lapdesk 700 in the United States are larger in size that are already available, this speaker offers a soft platform users, but stable to put their notebooks.
These speakers are designed to improve comfort by reducing heat generated by notebooks, and produce better sound by replacing the speakers notebook via a built-in speakers. So there are 2 functions of this device is a speaker & cooling pad as well.
Speaker device can be plugged using a USB cable to the USB port of the notebook. Speakers will be available later this month in the U.S. with price $59
These speakers are designed to improve comfort by reducing heat generated by notebooks, and produce better sound by replacing the speakers notebook via a built-in speakers. So there are 2 functions of this device is a speaker & cooling pad as well.
Speaker device can be plugged using a USB cable to the USB port of the notebook. Speakers will be available later this month in the U.S. with price $59